3DHC is the new Italian competition in the field of radio-controlled helicopters. It was born from a collaboration with 3D modeling experts, Giuseppe Munzio, Gianluca Collaretti ( www.rc-model.it ), Gianni Costantini, Biagio Ambrosio.

3DHC was born from the need to create a competition open to all those helicopter pilots who love 3D flight.

Also this year the 5th edition of 3DHC 2023 thanks to the commitment of the brothers Massimo and Fabio Livi ( www.helicenter.it ) will take place at: "Marcignana" airfield where the Associazione Sportiva Gruppo Aeromodellistico Empolese, at its set up your own structure.

Helicopters of any class are allowed, with electric propulsion and combustion, provided they comply with the regulations in force regarding radio-controlled models on sight

Format 3DHC (patented by Global 3D)

Under an authorized license of Global 3D This competition was born, reserved only for European pilots as a European continental championship aimed at issuing the title of European Champion.

Categories of participants

  1. Master Class
  2. Expert Class
  3. Speed Class
  4. Sportsman (reserved for non-professional and non-Sponsored riders)
  5. Night Flight
  6. Demo

Each pilot can carry out Demo Flights for his Sponsor during the competition intervals.


- 5 Maneuvers chosen from the Global 3D Maneuver Book
- Freestyle 3 minutes
- Musical 3 minutes
- 3 Maneuvers chosen from the Global 3D Maneuver Book
- Freestyle 3 minutes
- Speed Class
- 3 Minutes of Musical Freestyle on 2 Launches
- In this Category there is no ranking, the top 3 best Freestyle who will participate in the lottery of prizes offered by the Sponsors each year will be awarded
- The first 3 pilots of the night flights will be awarded. there are no particular rules. Entertainment is the watchword. Freestyle or musical freestyle with or without light blades
- Each pilot can carry out Demo Flights for his Sponsor during the competition intervals
